mandtv - Help page
This page is for general help and instructions, we will add some other things here soon.

Below are the most common subtitles language that are used for movies and series.
If you are note sure about your language ID than this table can help you.

Subtitle language and ID

Language Language ID Language ID Language ID
Arabic ar ara
Bulgarian bg bul
Chinese zh chi
Chinese cn chi
Croatian hr hrv
Czech cs cze ces
Danish da dan
Dutch nl dut nld
English en eng
Estonian et est
Farsi fa far ira
Filipino ph fil
Finnish fi fin
French fr fra fre
German de ger deu
Greek el ell gre
Hebrew he heb
Hindi hi hin
Hungarian hu hun
Icelandic is isl ice
Indonesian id ind
Italian it ita
Japanese ja jpn
Korean ko kor
Latvian lv lav
Lithuanian lt lit
Malay ms may msa
Malayalam ml mal
Norwegian nb nor
Polish pl pol
Portuguese - Brazil pt por
Portuguese - Portugal pr por
Romanian ro ron rum
Russian ru rus
Serbian sr srp
Slovak sk slk slo
Slovenian sl slv
Spanish es spa
Spanish sp spa
Swedish sv swe
Tamil ta tam
Telugu te tel
Thai th tha
Turkish tr tur
Ukrainian uk ukr
Vietnamese vi vie
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